Further information about privilege, confidentiality and preparing submissions is available here.

Health, Environment and Innovation Committee

Phone: (07) 3553 6626


Inquiry into Crocodile Control and Conservation Bill 2025

Submissions close at 10am, Thursday 3 April 2025.

Fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed.

Submissions without full names will not be considered by the committee
Your contact details

The contact details you provide in this section are for committee secretariat purposes. Only your name and your submission may appear on the website. Please complete the privacy request section below if you would like either of these kept confidential.

Privacy request

Submission from an individual:

Unless you request your name be withheld, the committee may publish your:

  • name and submission on the parliament website, and

  • name in the list of submitters in the committee’s report.

Contact details of individuals are not published.

Submission from an organisation:

Unless you request your organisation name be withheld, the committee may publish your:

  • organisation name and submission on the parliament website, and

  • organisation name in the list of submitters in the committee’s report.

The name of person uploading the submission on behalf of the organisation is not published, unless their name is included as part of the free text or in the submission being uploaded.

Contact details of organisations that are not available online are not published.

Your submission
Note: File types may be pdf, doc, docx or txt. Please ensure you do not include any contact information or any sensitive personal information in this section as it is the committee's intention to publish submissions.
Please ensure you do not include any personal information in this section, as it is the committee's intention to publish submissions.


Public hearings

As part of its inquiry, the committee may hold public hearings to build on the information provided in written submissions. These hearings provide the opportunity to those witnesses who are invited by the committee to appear to explain further, or add to, information included in their submissions. Hearings also provide an opportunity for committee members to question submitters on the issues raised in their submissions, and for submitters to respond to issues or arguments put forward in other written or oral submissions.

Further information can be found in the guide Appearing as a Witness, available here.

Email updates 

If you would like to receive email updates about the progress of the inquiry and future work of the committee, click here to subscribe.

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Privacy statement

The content provided in your submission including the free text and any uploaded files may be published to the Queensland Parliament website and available to the public. It is your responsibility to ensure that your submission does not include any personal contact information or sensitive personal information that you do not want published - unless you have clearly indicated that you do not want your submission to be published.